John Coltrane Olatunji Concert Rar

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John Coltrane Olatunji Concert Rar Average ratng: 4,2/5 7040 votes

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John Coltrane Olatunji Concert Rar

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If anyone hasn't heard Coltrane's Olatunji concert - the last one recorded in his lifetime and the second to last one he performed -.Now, to most listeners, this record would seem like noise, and it is noise in a sense - the poor quality of the recording meaning much of the album is shrouded in distortion. However, to myself and many others the album represents something more.The album gets an incredibly emotional and visceral reaction out of me.

As a tenor player and jazz major listening to this is scary. Immediately it represented my thought of how it's possible music could never bring me true fulfillment or that maybe it won't make me happy. Upon thinking about it it's more of a sad burn to a legend. A last fleeting peek into the mind of a brilliant man who was on his death bed. It's like a man who is violently trying to escape death and push beyond this plain of existence but cant because of his human limitations.

While I would at this point in life never want to play music like this I still think its brilliant and beautiful. John Coltrane is a big reason I'm going the direction I am in life, I practice his music for hours every day and hes an important part of my life.

John Coltrane Olatunji Concert Rar

To disregard this as garbage or worthless is ignorant, if John didnt believe in what he was doing he wouldn't have done it. I don't have a huge grasp of jazz or Coltrane, and i've only listened to this album in bits so as to preserve my ear drums, but i've just watched The Void and i'm feeling philosophical.i think, with the context of who John Coltrane and his players are and what this concert means, it's definitely not dreadful. He's clearly going for a certain sound, maybe as a point (especially if he had the knowledge of his impending death), and i definitely listen to this with the visceral feeling of 'oh jesus wow this bloke's in pain', which is ominous and refreshing as far as jazz goes.

In a genre that can boil down to some drunk/stoned geniuses being wanky and simply playing whatever the fuck, to take that philosophy and push it in such a dark direction could definitely be verging on masterful, especially when you remember how talented Coltrane is and what he's capable of when he's playing something more 'traditional'.without all that context, it's a very difficult listen, but that could swing either way for people. I love harsh and noisy music, but to have no breathing room or any breaks at all is too claustrophobic for me to last more than a few minutes. It's nearly comical how long they keep up the pace and the energy, and it being absolutely void of any real structure is absolutely maddening. I think had he have looped into a more structured sound at a few points i could definitely have lasted longer, but as it stands it feels like i'm in labour with triplets and the nurse is telling me they won't come out for another 4 days.' Genius' is a stretch IMO, but the sheer audacity of it is impressive and admirable.

Whether he was telling his upcoming death to fuck off or spitting in the face of jazz traditions i'm not sure, but without that it feels like an experiment that lasts about an hour too long to me. I love Coltrane, and especially have an affinity for late Coltrane. Now, his post-1965 material is hit or miss. There's a couple of albums I love from this period - Sun Ship, Expression and Interstellar Space especially. On the other hand, I could never really get into Ascension.

John Coltrane Olatunji Concert Rar

The Concert In Japan is a favorite live recording from this period - it's similar to this album, but a tad more subdued, and with better recording quality.If Concert in Japan was Coltrane in orbit, and Interstellar Space is Coltrane traveling through the solar system ala Voyager 1, this album is Coltrane traveling at light speed to some unknown planets. The full realization of Trane’s post-65 free jazz experimentation, and my favorite jazz album of all-time. ‘My Favorite Things’ could not have been a more perfect choice as a song for his last recorded concert — like you said that final repetition of the main motif around the 25 minute mark amidst the chaos of the quintet represents the culmination of Coltrane’s career from humble jazz standards to reaching out beyond into the spiritual unknown. The noble goal Coltrane always strived for of reaching God couldn’t feel further from the truth to the untrained listener because of how absolutely hellish the recording quality makes the album sound. In my eyes though, the quintet’s passion and unrelenting screaming through their instruments shows how desperately they wanted to achieve this, as if they had to sacrifice a part of their physical selves to please the supreme being. Seriously, I’ve listened to dozens of Coltrane’s albums and this is so up and away his most ferocious and nightmarish it boggles my mind wondering how it came into fruition. I wish there was as much information on this concert as any of his other works.

Poorly recorded genius. Olatunji has its place but there's so much material in trane's late period that it doesn't even rank in his top 10 essentials albums imo.Off the top of my head, start with Sun Ship, Interstellar Space, Meditations, Kulu Se Mama, Om, A Love Supreme and Meditations for QuartetTHEN you can move on to live stuff like New Thing At Newport, Live In Seattle, Offering At Temple University, and even Concert In Japan if you dare.Only after digesting all those records would I say Olatunji is a worthwhile listen, and even then its value is partially as a historical document as well as a musical one.

John Coltrane Olatunji Concert Rar 2016

The recording quality is just so poor it's hard to dissect individual elements, that Temple University concert is similar material to Olatunji but recorded far better.Go for that instead.